Edgar Wallace

The Door with the Seven Locks

(Die Tür mit den sieben Schlössern)

The Door with the Seven Locks

A Rialto Film Production
West Germany 1962 - 95 min.
Distributed by Constantin
Premiered: 22.6.1962
FSK: ab 12,f (gr.16, nf)



Dick Martin   Heinz Drache
Mr. Haveloc   Hans Nielsen
Sybil Lansdown   Sabina Sesselmann
Dr. Staletti   Pinkas Braun
Emily Cody   Gisela Uhlen
Pheeny   Klaus Kinski
Sir John   Siegfried Schürenberg
Kriminalassistent Holms   Eddi Arent



Director:   Alfred Vohrer
Screenplay:   Harald G. Petersson - Johannes Kai
Based upon a novel by Edgar Wallace
Director of Photography:   Karl Loeb
Music:   Peter Thomas


Plot outline

A first trace for a solution of a puzzling murder series leads Scotland Yard's Superintendent Martin to the Castle of the deceased Lord Selford. Before his death he trusted a key each to seven friends, which would open the door to the hidden vault with the family fortune. Only Selford's son is to take over the full inheritance, on the birthday of his adulthood. But soon it turns out, that his son does not live any longer. Next heiress is Selford's niece, Sybil. When she is threatened as well, Superintendent Martin can save her in the last second…


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