Edgar Wallace

The Red Orchid Mystery

(Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee)

The Red Orchid Mystery

A Rialto Film Production
West Germany 1961 - 84 min.
Distributed by Constantin
Premiered: 2.3.1962
FSK: ab 12 nf



Inspektor WesSound   Adrian Hoven
Lilian Ranger   Marisa Mell
der "schöne" Steve   Klaus Kinski
Minelli   Eric Pohlmann
Edwin, sein Neffe   Pinkas Braun
Captain Allerman   Christopher Lee
Tanner   Fritz Rasp
Parker, Butler   Eddi Arent



Director:   Helmut Ashley
Screenplay:   Trygve Larsen Based upon a novel by Edgar Wallace
Director of Photography:   Franz X. Lederle
Music:   Peter Thomas


Plot outline

Two rivalling American gangster gangs appear in London and blackmail wealthy Englishmen. These incidents trigger one of Londons bloodiest crime events and Scottland Yard is in constant pursuit of the two most ruthless gangs ever to hit the city by the Thames.


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