All Revved Up


A Talana Film and Rialto Film GmbH Production directed by Brandon Cole





Johnny   John Turturro
Rachel   Lili Taylor
Sean   Will PatSound
Lilly   Joe Maher
Bill Gunter   John Spencer
Yannick   Olek Krupa
Louis   Richard Bright
Chuck   Bruce MacVittie
Carl   Paul Calderon
Mary the Bartender   Aida Turturro
Gloria   Betty Miller
Mrs. Wiggins   Gemma Jones



Director   Brandon Cole
Screenplay   Brandon Cole
Director of Photography   Rob Sweeney
Set Designer   Fankie D.
Editor   Suzanne Pillsbury
Music   Evan Lurie
Costumes   Kevin Scott
Casting   Caroline Sinclair
Executive Producer   Dave Paterson
Producer   Keith Rotman
Co-Producer   Matthias Wendlandt


Plot outline

The two buddies Sean (Will Patton) and Johnny (John Turturro), both aren't quite sure what life has to offer - or what to do with it. But in any case, Sean's main life purpose is to play with (live!) Lizards. People say he has an elementary problem with women. Also Johnny observes his "love interests" usually only from a distance. As soon as the ladies send positive signals to him, Johnny withdraws. The strange trios only connection is Rachel, Sean's neighbour. One day Johnny becomes acquainted with her and lines her up into the long row of his platonic affairs.
Due to some of her delightful habits, Johnny's and Sean's life get more and more out of tracks: Sean quits his office-job and tries to escape from his mothers influence by ending up in adolescence bar fights, and Johnny literally runs away from Rachel's advances... Yannick, the owner of "O.K.Garage" shamelessly take advantage of Rachel's technical incompetence and sells her senseless and expensive repairs. Basically, he could do without those rip offs, as he makes his living with a cooperation with a car theft gang. So one day, Rachel's friends make a visit to OK GARAGE and demand Rachel's money back. But the car theft gang, too, have a bill they want to settle with Yannick. It comes to a chaotic fight, where Rachel gets her money back and one of the car mugs is killed. And in the end, Johnny gets Rachel - or vice versa...

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