Edgar Wallace

The Trygon Factor

(Das Geheimnis der weißen Nonne)

The Trygon Factor

A Rialto Film Production
England/West Germany 1966 - 88 min.
Im Verleih bei Constantin
Premiered: 16. 12. 1966
FSK: ab 16, nf



Cooper Smith   Stewart Granger
Trudy Emberday   Susan Hampshire
Oberin   Brigitte Horney
Polly   Sophie Hardy
Sir John   Siegfried Schürenberg



Director:   Cyril Frankel
Screenplay:   Derry Quinn
Based upon a novel by Edgar Wallace
Director of Photography:   Harry Waxman
Music:   Peter Thomas


Plot outline

Old English family castle Emberdy Hall and its inhabitants are hit by a bad omen. A police official was choked to death on the estate's chapel. Inspector Cooper Smith, notorious for his extravagant investigation methods, finds the choked corpse of his colleagues in the river Thames. Smiths mistrust towards the chapel inhabitants grows stronger when the nun, who saw the murdered last alive, is found dead as well. Is there a connection between these murders and a bank robbery in London, where disguised women killed their male assistants with gas in an excruciating manner?


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