Mark of the Tortoise

(Wartezimmer zum Jenseits)


A Rialto Film Production
West Germany 1964 - 90 min.
Literaturverfilmung / Kriminalfilm
Im Verleih bei Constantin
Premiered: 24. 4. 1964
FSK: ab 16, nf



Lorelli   Hildegard Knef
Don Micklem   Götz George
Alsconi   Richard Münch
Dickes   Heinz Reincke
Crantor   Carl Lange



Director:   Alfred Vohrer
Screenplay:   Eberhard Keindorff - Johanna Sibelius
after the novel "Pay or Die" von James Hadley Chase
Director of Photography:   Bruno Mondi
Music:   Martin Böttcher


Plot outline

Crippled mastermind Mario Orlandi di Alsconi, who is motivated by misanthropy, sets up a gang of blackmailers. His henchmen kill unscrupulous and without any hesitation everyone who is not ready to pay the sum demanded by the gang. English student Donald "Don" Micklem wants to avenge the murder of his uncle. Almost by himslef he manages to break up the blackmailer ring and to bring Mario Orlandi to his just punishment.

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