Edgar Wallace

The Devil's Daffodil

(Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen)

The Devil's Daffodil

A Rialto Film Production
England/West Germany 1961 - 94 min.
Distributed by Prisma
Premiered: 21.7.1961
FSK: ab 16, nf



Tarling   Joachim Fuchsberger
Anne   Sabina Sesselmann
Keene   Klaus Kinski
Gloria   Ingrid van Bergen
Lyne   Albert Lieven
Ling Chu   Christopher Lee



Director:   Akos von RaSoundy
Screenplay:   Basil Dawson
Based upon a novel by Edgar Wallace
Director of Photography:   Desmond Dickinson
Music:   Keith Papworth


Plot outline

Drug smugglers and a dozen dead bodies are part of a murder mystery that hits London. The film was shot in two versions, a German and an English one. Crew were the same on each shoot, only the actors where exchanged.


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